

Your voyage takes you through the dark forests of the internet. A congealment of halfwits stumble from the bushes, fondling each other, muttering something about an IRC server. Welcome to c001ca75.net, please leave your mental faculties at the door.

Benefits include:

Intermittent and inconsistent, since October 2023.

How to Join

The first method is the most simple, you'll need to open irc.c001ca75.net in your favorite browser.

For the second method, you'll need an IRC client. If you don't know where to start, try HexChat or WeeChat.

In the case the address and port are asked for together: 'irc.c001ca75.net/+6697'.

IRSSI Setup (Linux)

SASL authentication allows you to verify your IRC identity automatically with a private/public key-pair.

Create the directory that will contain your SASL certificate, and create the certificate using openssl.

	mkdir -p ~/.irssi/certs
	cd ~/.irssi/certs
	# Create the certificate
	openssl req -x509 -new -newkey ed25519 -sha256 -days 1096 -nodes -out c001ca75.pem -keyout c001ca75.pem

Open IRSSI by executing irssi in your terminal.

Create and connect to the c001ca75 server, register a username, add your SASL certificate as authentication

	/server add -tls_cert ~/.irssi/certs/c001ca75.pem -network c001ca75 irc.c001ca75.net 6697
	/connect c001ca75
	/nick <username>
	/msg nickserv register <password> <username>
	/msg nickserv cert add
	/disconnect c001ca75

Add SASL certificate as authentication method in client.

	/network add -sasl_password '' -sasl_mechanism EXTERNAL c001ca75

Done! Connect to irc.c001ca75.net whenever! ENJOY YOUR ACCOUNT

	/connect c001ca75

How to Join (with Tor)

The port and channel are the same again. Make sure Tor is running on your machine. You should then set up a SOCKS5 proxy in your client, apply the proxy to the server, and disable SSL authentication for the server - it may look something like this:

/proxy add tor socks5 9050
/set irc.server.c001ca75.proxy "tor"
/set irc.server.c001ca75.ssl_verify off


This website can be found at:


Make contact with the entity responsible for this:

Maintenance costs... haha, I'm kidding, funds won't go towards the server. Donate knowing you are fuelling my vices:

If you want to actually help out, refer someone who would enjoy this retard chamber.


Direct from your twisted mind to their visual cortex. Note a maximum filesize of 12 MB.

Via cUrl

curl -F file='@somefile.ext' https://upload.c001ca75.net